Upskill and empower your nanny

Nannies get so many ideas to continue the fun and learning at home. Every 6 weeks she receives a certificate and can work her way up to GOLD Nanny Status. Nannies feel valued and connected and are able to organise their own playdates.

Nannies are respected as adult learners, always encouraged to share their life experience, own songs and play ideas. ‘Being a nanny’ becomes seen as purposeful, meaningful work as a nanny is invested in and grows in her skills and knowledge. We dream of seeing our programme benefit children in the nannies’ lives too. We work with other skill providers and assist you in continuing development for your nanny.

“Linda was so energised by the class and so excited to get home and play with Hannah … the noticeable enthusiasm that Linda is expressing after this morning is gold for me …”


We come
to you

your nanny
