Child development
Attachment and Separation Anxiety
Attachment and separation anxiety So many parents understandably get worried when their child cries, throws a temper tantrum or becomes clingy when they say goodbye to them. This response from your little one can be heart breaking but it [...]
The importance of fine motor development
The importance of fine motor development Increasingly, school aged children are entering the education system with poor fine motor skills. Skills such as colouring in, cutting and writing which are essential in meeting the demands [...]
Why “Mess is best”
Why “Mess is best” Babies and toddlers make sense of their world with the information they receive through their five senses. They understand things by what they see, hear, smell, taste and touch which is why sensory play [...]
Fine Motor Development
Fine motor development Learning to write, cut and dress oneself are major milestones in a child’s life, but how do those little fingers go from involuntarily grasping something as a baby, to skillfully performing these [...]
Cultivating Creativity
Cultivating Creativity Humans are creative by nature. Unlike any other creature on this earth, we are wired to be creative. In a world that is rapidly changing, by the time today’s toddlers join the work force, creativity will be [...]