
Attachment and Separation Anxiety

Attachment and separation anxiety So many parents understandably get worried when their child cries, throws a temper tantrum or becomes clingy when they say goodbye to them. This response from your little one can be heart breaking but it is normal for your baby or toddler to get upset when you say goodbye to them. This reaction is called separation anxiety. It is a natural stage of development [...]

Attachment and Separation Anxiety2021-07-26T12:21:10+02:00

Navigating the nanny-child-mommy relationship

Navigating the nanny-child-mommy relationship We all know that bonding is vital in the early years and has a huge impact on the emotional well-being of our children. But what happens when the majority of our child’s time is spent with a nanny? How do we make sure our children are getting the love and care that they need when they are with their nanny? Below are 10 tips [...]

Navigating the nanny-child-mommy relationship2024-04-22T12:21:52+02:00

Soil for Life

Have you ever thought of sending your nanny on some courses? Not only will it empower and upskill your nanny but it will bring great benefits to your family and to her community as well. A Win-Win for everyone! Soil for life (Growing your own vegetables) https://www.soilforlife.co.za/ Soil for Life is a non-profit organisation, based in Cape Town, that helps people learn to grow healthy, organic food. Soil [...]

Soil for Life2019-04-29T08:32:09+02:00

The importance of fine motor development

The importance of fine motor development Increasingly, school aged children are entering the education system with poor fine motor skills. Skills such as colouring in, cutting and writing which are essential in meeting the demands of the foundation phase classroom. Why is this happening? Many believe it is because of the way that play is changing. Sedentary play is starting to dominate the free [...]

The importance of fine motor development2019-04-27T18:30:57+02:00

Why “Mess is best”

Why “Mess is best” Babies and toddlers make sense of their world with the information they receive through their five senses. They understand things by what they see, hear, smell, taste and touch which is why sensory play is so crucial for healthy development. Sensory play tends to be a little messy which is why you might need some encouragement before you’d be willing to let your [...]

Why “Mess is best”2022-04-06T21:22:24+02:00

Fine Motor Development

Fine motor development Learning to write, cut and dress oneself are major milestones in a child’s life, but how do those little fingers go from involuntarily grasping something as a baby, to skillfully performing these tasks? The short answer: They need to develop fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the small coordinated movements of the hands and fingers that allow us to pick [...]

Fine Motor Development2019-04-26T05:48:59+02:00

Nannies: 5 Tips for great communication with your employer

Nannies: 5 Tips for great communication with your employer Being a Nanny is a serious job and as much as it can be incredibly rewarding watching a little one grow up from the baby years to a being fully fledged toddler, and beyond, it can also be very challenging along the way. One of the key resources in the life of a Nanny is a good relationship with [...]

Nannies: 5 Tips for great communication with your employer2019-04-28T08:50:43+02:00

Cultivating Creativity

Cultivating Creativity Humans are creative by nature. Unlike any other creature on this earth, we are wired to be creative. In a world that is rapidly changing, by the time today’s toddlers join the work force, creativity will be the most sought after skill in the work place. Creativity develops independence, self-esteem, and problem-solving skills; fine-motor skills, hand-eye coordination and many more. That is why it is so [...]

Cultivating Creativity2019-04-26T07:08:54+02:00

Are you paying your nanny a living wage?

Are you paying your nanny a living wage? As we have just celebrated Human Rights Day, we began thinking about the women close to our hearts at Nanny ‘n Me: our wonder-working nannies! With all the turmoil in our country it can be difficult not to become discouraged with the terrible situations many people are living in. With fires and the devastation they have brought, the lack of [...]

Are you paying your nanny a living wage?2023-05-09T09:54:27+02:00
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